Luke Oatham

Forum Replies Created

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  • in reply to: "White Screen of Death" #2866
    Luke Oatham

    😁 that’s great news. Glad it worked eventually. Hopefully no data lost?

    I’ll take a look at the searchform.

    in reply to: Working download #2860
    Luke Oatham

    Paul – check the setup instructions. You need to unzip the download and copy files to your server. If you don’t have direct server access and need to install via the admin dashboard, you should zip the theme and each plugin folder and install separately.

    in reply to: Security Plugins #2858
    Luke Oatham

    Dave, we use this plugin extensively and haven’t had any conflicts with the theme. You may need to tweak settings e.g. not forcing the javascript version.

    Luke Oatham

    We have five different policy manuals across our organization, and we have a child item for each. For example:

    • Clinical Procedure Manual
    • Organization Policy Manual
    • Exposure Control Manual
    • Emergency Operations Plan
    • Employee Handbook
    Luke Oatham

    We’ve used “Love it pro” plugin
    This allows users to like posts and will be visible to other users. However, it doesn’t work with forums and so we’ve had to use another plugin for forums:

    Using gravity forms for ratings or likes won’t allow other users to see the results on the front end.

    I would like, in time, to have this feature built into GovIntranet so that we can make use of the data internally.

    Luke Oatham

    There are no plans in the pipeline for this at the moment as we don’t have any clients with the requirement.

    Out of interest, can you give me and example of what child items you plan to use under the policy document type?

    in reply to: "White Screen of Death" #2842
    Luke Oatham

    It feels like a muddle with the theme config in the database.

    You could try removing all themes except GovIntranet and installing the new TwentySeventeen theme and latest version of WordPress. WordPress should then try to default to a theme and will hopefully pick TwentySeventeen.

    The latest versions of GovIntranet (4.30+) handle child themes better, so I’d recommend updating theme and plugins.

    Please let me know how you get on. Do you have access to phpMyAdmin or similar?

    in reply to: Events Manager #2837
    Luke Oatham

    Pam, did you turn off the events module in GovIntranet options before using the plugin? It may well conflict if left on.

    I use The Events Calendar for clients who need more advanced functionality than the basic theme supports. There is some limited support for this plugin built into GovIntranet.

    Existing GovIntranet events plugins won’t work with third-party events plugins, but I have created an events listing plugin for use with The Events Calendar. You’ll find this in the /utilities folder.

    in reply to: News Updates Icons #2834
    Luke Oatham

    Sounds like a problem with recent changes to taxonomy term meta.

    Make sure you are updated to latest versions of:

    Advanced Custom Fields Pro
    GovIntranet HT Need to know widget

    You may need to set the icon again after updating but this time is should save okay.

    in reply to: Header dimensions #2818
    Luke Oatham

    The ideal height for the logo image is around 40px

    If you need to use a larger image, you will need to change custom CSS code for the #crownlogo or #crownlink classes to change the height, width and padding accordingly.

    in reply to: Document Finder #2777
    Luke Oatham

    The latest Media A to Z plugin (2.5.1) should fix the problem of missing templates, but you should remove template files from the theme if you have copied from the plugin, and also the old page-doc-finder template.
    Make sure the Media Categories plugin is deactivated, and you are using the latest ACF Pro plugin.
    Please tell me that your document types are still intact!

    in reply to: Import staff and teams from csv? #2769
    Luke Oatham

    There’s a new task with help on how to import users

    in reply to: Header space and font size too big #2754
    Luke Oatham

    Hi Ed

    There was news of a Spanish translation a while back, but I don’t have the files and have not imported these into the glotpress site. See

    Your header spacing is a combination of the height of your logo graphic, and the utility menu moving up to accommodate many options on the primary navigation menu. A horizontal variant of your logo might help. The recommended height is around 50px. Otherwise, less menu options will give more space.

    You can customise CSS styles to modify the header spacing and text fonts. This site uses a different typeface and size to the standard installation. See



    in reply to: Import staff and teams from csv? #2753
    Luke Oatham

    Hi Matthew

    We have some unsupported utility plugins that should help. I’ll add these to the github repo.


    in reply to: Category Color #2752
    Luke Oatham

    Hi Ken

    I think you may be victim of the latest WordPress/theme/plugin problems with different versions.

    See news on version 4.31 updates

    All the best


Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 304 total)