Header space and font size too big

Home Forums GovIntranetters Header space and font size too big


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    • #2745
      Eduardo Berner


      I’m almost done transitioning an existing Intranet to the GovIntra theme. I really like it and appreciate all the work you’ve done.

      For some reason there is a big gap between the logo and search bar and the menus. Also the font seems bigger than on the demo.

      Can you think of anything that could be doing this? I’m attaching an image from my site as an example and one from the demo for comparison.


      PS. I see there is no Spanish translation… Is that right?

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    • #2754
      Luke Oatham

      Hi Ed

      There was news of a Spanish translation a while back, but I don’t have the files and have not imported these into the glotpress site. See https://help.govintra.net/topic/translation/

      Your header spacing is a combination of the height of your logo graphic, and the utility menu moving up to accommodate many options on the primary navigation menu. A horizontal variant of your logo might help. The recommended height is around 50px. Otherwise, less menu options will give more space.

      You can customise CSS styles to modify the header spacing and text fonts. This site uses a different typeface and size to the standard installation. See https://help.govintra.net/task/customise-css-styles/



    • #2757
      Eduardo Berner

      Thanks Luke,

      We’ll help start the Spanish translation. If there is anything you already have it would be great to use it… if not we will slowly complete the translation.

      Keep up the good work!

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