Luke Oatham

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  • in reply to: Email Notification #2931
    Luke Oatham

    Hi Lauren

    There’s an update for this plugin on github.

    Let me know how you get on!


    in reply to: Email Notification #2923
    Luke Oatham

    There is no standard functionality for page change notifications.

    You can use the HT Notify plugin to allow users to subscribe to content updates. They would be able to select pages from their profile.

    in reply to: Email Notification #2921
    Luke Oatham

    What are you using to subscribe to any notifications? Is this for regular pages or forums or other types of content?

    in reply to: 500 Error on How Do I Page? #2920
    Luke Oatham

    Glad you found the cause. Yes, that’s a lot of tags!

    There’s an option in the Tasks Module settings to show only tags for tasks and guides. If you uncheck this, you’ll get the regular WordPress tag-cloud which limits the no. of tags.

    I’ll see about putting some limits on the custom tag list.

    To make best use of tags with this theme and avoid unruly tag lists, treat them as cross-cutting mini-categories rather than keywords. See

    in reply to: Using extensions in the telephone field? #2919
    Luke Oatham

    I’ve put some changes into version 4.34.7 which should help.

    in reply to: Staff Bio not saving. #2917
    Luke Oatham

    That’s really odd. Is everyone’s bio getting zapped each day?

    I can’t find anything obvious in the GovIntranet theme or plugins that would do this. Do you have any account synchronisation plugins installed for Active Directory or similar? Or other plugins that might affect user accounts?

    What version of bbPress do you use?

    in reply to: Email Notification #2902
    Luke Oatham

    Are you using the HT notifications plugin?

    You could try to change the “from” email address (or your default site admin email) to a gmail account or something other than an official department account. Sometimes, mail servers will block email that appears to come from an official address but which is actually sent from the intranet server.

    in reply to: Staff Directory Profile Error #2899
    Luke Oatham

    I’ve attached screenshots of the settings that I have on the demo site. What version of bbPress are you using? I have bbPress 2.5.12

    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    in reply to: Size of image on news (on home page) #2898
    Luke Oatham

    Yes, it’s controlled by the size of your large image in Settings, Media. You’ll need to regenerate image thumbnails after changing the size. See resize images across the intranet – you’ll need the Regenerate Thumbnails plugin.

    in reply to: widgets on standard pages #2897
    Luke Oatham

    You should have a widget area for “How do I page” in appearance > widgets. This is fairly recent in the theme.

    in reply to: Tasks Category block includes A-Z for some reason #2896
    Luke Oatham

    Hi Aaron – glad you’ve had better luck with the latest plugin. It’s best to use the “edit” screen to assign terms rather than the “popup” screen. Have you tried to deactivate the media library categories plugin? I wonder if this is conflicting. The theme already registers the category taxonomy for the media library. I’ve managed to create new terms for the a to z from the popup screen with no extra cat terms being created.

    in reply to: Events Manager #2888
    Luke Oatham

    Thanks for the screenshot. That makes sense now. The Event Manager plugin uses the same post type and is picking up the govintranet custom fields. There is still some code in the theme to register custom fields for events even if the events module is switched off. I’ll get this fixed in the next version.

    in reply to: Tasks Category block includes A-Z for some reason #2887
    Luke Oatham

    Have you switched on the A to Z in Options, Modules? Looks like you have added letters to the category instead of the A to Z taxonomy.

    in reply to: Reorder tasks in guide #2882
    Luke Oatham

    Use the Order number. Alternatively, you can install plugins to allow drag and drop ordering of the post order in the task listing screen.

    in reply to: Staff Directory Profile Error #2881
    Luke Oatham

    Do you still have problems? Sometimes it takes a while for URL permalinks to refresh. Make sure you’ve switched on appropriate options in Options, Modules. Refresh permalinks in Settings, Permalinks – and update.

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 304 total)