Luke Oatham

Forum Replies Created

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  • in reply to: Wordpress 4.0 #1320
    Luke Oatham

    We had a few problems with bbPress and Relevanssi clashing. This caused the forums to break. There’s a fix out already for regular Relevanssi and a workaround on the Relevanssi site for the premium version until a new version is released.

    Other than that, no other reports of problems.

    in reply to: Categories in Document Finder #1307
    Luke Oatham

    Hi Liz and thanks for your help Dazbert!

    Can I check that your slug for the document finder is “document-finder” and that you have set the template in Page attributes to Document finder?

    To get permalinks working correctly you may need to edit the .htaccess file on your server if WordPress can’t write to it directly. There is normally a message when you try to change permalinks containing the code that you need to add to .htaccess.


    in reply to: Login #1306
    Luke Oatham

    There are various plugins available to will allow you to integrate WordPress login with your active directory.

    There are also plugins that will allow you to import users from a CSV file.

    And plugins too to add a login widget (we’re using “Sidebar login” on some intranets).

    All of my current clients are using inbuilt WordPress accounts and have imported their staff in bulk from a spreadsheet, allowing new staff to register online.

    Hope that helps.


    in reply to: Strange Profile Nudge problem #1305
    Luke Oatham

    Hello. There are some plugin updates available for this which may help.

    I’m also working on an ajax version of this plugin which will work without having to refresh the page.


    in reply to: publishing rights for sites #1278
    Luke Oatham

    Hey! We did have a problem like this on a client intranet. It wasn’t on a server that we host but I think the problem was related to server caching and ajax not working correctly. I haven’t heard any other reports of this.

    Core WordPress roles should work fine for what you want.

    One plugin that you might try:

    Revisionary – allows a post to be edited and saved in revision while the original post is still live until the revision is approved.


    in reply to: How are people registering new users? #1265
    Luke Oatham

    Have a look at

    This is an example of some work I was doing to try to get the user edit screen into better shape. It can probably be done with a bit of jQuery to tidy up the form. It uses the form-user-edit.php template from bbPress and somehow the extra user information from Pods automatically shows up too. However, I never got it to work satisfactorily and although the templates still remains in the theme, we aren’t using them.

    There are also bbPress shortcodes that you can insert into a page to show the login/register/lost password forms.



    I also looked at the GravityForms plugin – but I think I ran into problems trying to match up user fields to Pods items that could contain more than one entry.

    Hope that gives you some pointers.



    in reply to: Task page redirects. #1257
    Luke Oatham

    Hi. There’s a new single-task.php on github that should fix this.

    Luke Oatham

    Human-readable URLS for the categories and better breadcrumbs is something that I’m looking into for the next major version of the theme. No dates yet though.

    in reply to: Related pages in tasks #1235
    Luke Oatham

    I’ve managed to add 10+ related pages and tasks. What URLs are you getting for the not found links?

    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    in reply to: How are people securing their Intranets? #1232
    Luke Oatham

    Hi all

    I think you’ve covered most things. We normally lock down by IP address so that only staff within the office network or using a VPN connection can view the intranet.


    in reply to: Tag links on How Do I? #1231
    Luke Oatham

    Hi Gary – is your installation in the root folder, and have you changed the default database prefix?

    in reply to: Header – Logo #1222
    Luke Oatham

    Hi Loz

    Sometimes the WordPress emails get junked so I reckon your password reminder is sitting in your junk mail.

    The A to Z is a taxonomy so you just need to create letters A through Z and then classify your tasks and guides with a letter. Once you’ve classified everything, you can add the letter A from the A to Z taxonomy to a menu.

    Have you created an app-specific password on your Google account and used this as the password on the intranet? And you’re using the View ID from Google Analytics instead of the regular analytics account ID? Couple of screenshots attached.

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    in reply to: Link to Staff-member Page not Found #1221
    Luke Oatham

    Hello. Is your intranet installed in /intranet/ folder? I wonder if there is still some bits of theme still hardcoded for a root installation. Let me check and I’ll get back.


    in reply to: Header – Logo #1180
    Luke Oatham

    Hi Loz

    Are you getting as far as seeing the media library when you try to choose a logo? We had a few problems with WP3.9 and Pods whereby clicking the button did nothing. Upgrading all to the latest version fixed our problems.

    The most active widget works with your Google Analytics account. You need to get this perfect or the plugin will break. We have found that it’s best to setup 2-step verification on your Google account – and create an application-specific password to use in the intranet settings.

    Good luck and let me know how you get on!


    in reply to: Categories #1149
    Luke Oatham

    Hello again!

    First thing to check for the tags problem is that you’ve got a page called “tagged” with the tagged template.
    We’ve had a few problems with the recent new version of WP with some of the categories misbehaving. Try saving an individual category or tag again.
    Otherwise – are you using any caching plugin?

Viewing 15 posts - 271 through 285 (of 304 total)