Version 4.18 updates

Version 4.18 updates

26 Jul 2016

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Update log

Before upgrading to version 4.18.1 please ensure that you have a Google API key.

Google Maps

Recent changes in Google’s terms of service require that you have an API key in order to use the Google Maps APIs. If you use the Events module and make use of the maps features, you’ll need to add your API key to the new field within Options, Modules, Events. This will enable the maps in both the admin edit screens and the front end events.

“About this page” plugin

Problems with this widget have recently come to light for intranets with a growing number of “pages”. Code designed to speed up this widget on the footer of every page, was actually starting to cause serious problems on intranets with 400 pages or more (depending on server memory). I recommend you update this plugin as soon as possible to benefit from performance improvements.


Now includes taxonomy terms in listings.

Terms in tag listings

Open Sans font added to editor

The default font for the admin editor has been set to Open Sans. Further changes under consideration for creating a font field in Options.

New options to restrict editors/authors from managing categories

New settings in Options, General to restrict editors and authors from creating and managing categories.

New plugin to restrict Gravity Forms from saving data in the WordPress database for selected forms

If you have data protection requirements and must not store data on your server, this plugin will allow you to override Gravity Forms functionality and stop data being stored within WordPress.

Minor updates and fixes

  • Correction to Google Analytics tracking on homepage
  • Support for classic and universal Google Analytics tracking
  • Improvements to staff directory jQuery
  • New “hideicon” class to remove automated document icons
  • Removed deprecated functions from Feature blog posts widget

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