Luke Oatham

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  • in reply to: Translation #1547
    Luke Oatham

    I’d also like to translate some of the terms used. Some of it I could easily (names in the widgets sections, names of pages, menu names, names of the pages…), some are more difficult (php templates). I wouldn’t want to change the php files, while a new version of the theme would override the changes. But there are other options as with other WP themes. Perhaps the creators of the theme can help?

    in reply to: Relevanssi #1546
    Luke Oatham

    You can turn on the search stemmer in the configuration options:

    in reply to: Plugins not working #1545
    Luke Oatham

    Hello. Sounds like you need to turn off warning messages on your site. Add define(‘WP_DEBUG’, false); to your wp-config.php file!

    It looks like you’ve got 2 search autocomplete plugins installed?

    in reply to: Relevanssi #1544
    Luke Oatham

    Does anybody know hot to enable Relevanssi to show all the root search terms, e.g. if I enter narocilnica, it should also find a word narocilnice or narocilnico. The language is Slovenian btw.

    in reply to: White admin bar on custom post pages #1539
    Luke Oatham

    I’ve been having a lot of strange behaviour with upper WP bar at the start. Sometimes there would only be an empty white line. Then at some point all went well. I haven’t been able to pinpoint the problem.

    in reply to: Custom CSS and Tracking #1538
    Luke Oatham


    custom CSS works after your tip.

    But I still can’t save the google script – the page won’t allow it:

    (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),
    ga(‘create’, ‘XX-XX184578-1’, ‘auto’);
    ga(‘send’, ‘pageview’);

    in reply to: Show content also to non logged in users #1537
    Luke Oatham

    I fixed it by deleting the Teams pod, which I was not using.

    in reply to: Adding description to Team pages #1534
    Luke Oatham

    Hi Pam

    This is in the next version. The team description was taken out of the templates for version 3, so even if you enter it in the CMS, it won’t appear in the front end.


    in reply to: child pages listing alphabetically #1509
    Luke Oatham

    Argh. This is why we are moving away from Pods in the next version of the theme. It’s been a great plugin to kick off the theme but there have been too many updates that break something or other.

    in reply to: About this page widget #1508
    Luke Oatham

    Hi Pam

    There are certain exclusions built in so that the widget shouldn’t display on main pages and it’s basically down to the name of the pages.

    Just checking, do you have the latest version? It has been updated fairly recently.


    in reply to: Footer menu in left footer #1507
    Luke Oatham

    Hi Will

    There are specific styles that will trigger if you name your menu “Footer left”

    Otherwise you can add your own custom styles to change the list display behaviour.

    Hope that helps,


    in reply to: Page not found on 'How do I?' category #1494
    Luke Oatham

    Pam, can you send the URL and the breadcrumb you are getting?

    in reply to: Custom CSS and Tracking #1462
    Luke Oatham

    Hi Will

    Go to: Pods Admin > Edit Pods > Intranet Configuration (and see if the Google tracking code and Custom CSS code fields are at the bottom)

    Click on Edit for each one, change the Field Type to Plain Paragraph text, Click Update Field button underneath, then Save Pod in top right hand corner.

    They must be there somewhere if you can see them in the Intranet Config settings (the bit that doesn’t let us save)

    in reply to: Custom CSS and Tracking #1457
    Luke Oatham

    Hi Will
    I have the same problem, and was only able to commit changes to these fields by changing the Pod Field Type on general_intranet/Custom CSS code from Code (Syntax Highlighting) to Plain Paragraph Text. It’s not pretty, but it does allow you to save changes.

    I was originally able to put something in there and save it, but when I tried to modify the data or remove it, it would not save. Maybe it is a bug with Pods Code Syntax field.

    Also, in your screenshot, I had the same formatting issues, which was rectified when more categories were added (I think you need at least 6 for it to look like the demo)

    Hope this helps 🙂

    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    in reply to: Custom CSS and Tracking #1456
    Luke Oatham

    Hi Will

    I wonder if there is something in your custom CSS or Javascript that WordPress doesn’t like? Have you managed to save anything yet?


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