Issue with Media A to Z template

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    • #2651


      After updating to the latest version (4.27.3 – 29 Oct 2016) the template for Media A to Z is showing all unassigned/uncategorized image files as well as document files on the default list. Once you select a category or type, it then filters fine, as those documents have registered type and categories. Please see attached screenshot.

      Maybe there is a new option I’m missing, to not show unassigned/uncategorized image files in the Media A to Z template?

      Thanks again, very versatile template!

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    • #2653
      Luke Oatham

      Are there any images appearing that have no A to Z, category or document type assigned?

      Items need to have a least one categorisation in order to appear in the doc finder.

      There have been a few updates to the plugin since v4.27.3 – can you try downloading just the Media A to Z plugin to check the latest?

    • #2670
      Rebecca Owen


      We upgraded last night and are having the same issue, did you find a fix?


    • #2671
      Rebecca Owen

      Also it seems to have broken the document types (they have all been wiped from the documents and I can no longer apply them).

    • #2672
      Luke Oatham

      Just checking that you’ve activated the new Media A to Z plugin and followed instructions on the news release

    • #2673

      Hi Luke,

      In response to your first question: Have downloaded a fresh package and updated today, same results.

      All images that are checked as “Uncategorized” show up in the list. You have to go in manually to every single image and unselect the “Uncategorized” option for every image that you do not want to show. Is there a better code-way of just excluding the “Uncategorized” items from the media A-to-Z plugin?

      Thanks again.

    • #2674
      Luke Oatham

      @nick I’ve uploaded some changes to the plugin. This is still work in progress. Recent changes introduce a link to the page that the document is attached to. It should also ignore uncategorised. New functionality causes some performance issues and this is still in testing. Only the Media A to Z template contains new features. The document finder template still needs to be updated to reflect new changes.

    • #2676

      @Luke Thank you! That seems to work. I still had to go in and reassign all the Document Types, to all the documents but at least general pictures aren’t showing in the default document list anymore.

      Thanks again, saved me a ton of time!

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