Minor updates: version 4.34.1 – 4.34.8

28 Feb 2017

Recent minor version updates have included various bug fixes and code tuning.

New features

New setting in Options to use Open Sans font.

New setting in Options to add custom HTML header code. This is intended for custom fonts. This option was previously available by adding header code into the Google Analytics code area. However, if you did not track analytics on the homepage, the custom font was not loaded.

HT Remove post menu: a new plugin that removes the Posts menu from the admin bar and admin menu, and changes the default action of the admin bar New option to add a new news post. You’ll find this plugin in the utilities folder. If you’ve found yourself creating posts by mistake, this plugin will help.


Changes to improve IE8 and compatibility mode.

Updated print stylesheet.

Additional CSS classes in templates to allow improved referencing.

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