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    • #3326
      Matthew Jasek

      Has anyone had any success creating their govintra site bilingually with WPML? Most of the site seems compatible however i’m having issues with the document finder.

      It appears the way the template calls in the categories and displays ALL categories rather than the categories for sepirate languages. Weirdly the ‘Document type’ works flawlessly.

      The template i’m uing is ‘Document finder A to Z’ and the file is called ‘template-document-finder.php’ located in the ht-media-atoz plugin directory.

      if any one could share their modifications to make this work that would be fantastic!

    • #3351
      Matthew Jasek

      I managed to get this to work with the help of a colleague.

      This is a pretty bespoke problem but essentially the category array was re-wrote with a filter applied to only display current language within the document finder page template.

      It also required the WPML Language URL format setting to be set as ‘different languages in different directory’s’

      On a side note, it appears i’ve been blocked from visiting the ‘help.govintra.net’ site with a 403 error. Is there a reason my IP has been blacklisted? I can load the site fine via VPN or on my home network.

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