User Roles, hiding certain sections based on user role

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    • #2214
      Graham G

      Hi there,

      I have not yet installed this theme, I have a question before I do.

      I’d like to setup my Intranet with Users that have differnent Roles, depending on their Role they can only see certain information (other roles can see more information).

      For example: there will be one general user role, they can see most things.

      However the Sales team users need access to certain very sensitive information (price lists, suppliers lists etc.) – so I want the only the Sales users to be able to access this information.

      I know Worpress has default Roles: Admin, Editor, Contributor, Subsciber – how does this theme meet my requirements?

      Any help is much appreciated.


    • #2215
      Luke Oatham

      Hi Graham

      WordPress roles mainly concern publication privileges rather than view permissions. You’d need a third-party plugin such as “Membership” to control who can view different sections. Maybe a private wiki or forum would work? Again, you’d need extra plugins to achieve this. There is no default functionality included in the GovIntranet theme to control access for specific user groups.

      Hope that helps.


    • #2219
      Graham G

      Hi Luke,

      Thanks for taking the time to get back to me. Will take a look at the Membership plugin, your other suggestions are also very helpful.


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