Tags not returning results

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    • #2140
      Scott Martin

      We have just upgraded to the latest version of WordPress 4.4.2 and GovIntrant Version: 4.9.2. We have categories and tags on the right hand side of many pages. These worked to group things together, but after the upgrades tags no longer work, they don’t return any results. An example page can be found at http://socialsolihull.org.uk/healthandwellbeingnew/events/
      Any help appreciated.

    • #2141
      Avatar photoDavid Butt

      Working with Scott, we’ve done some digging and found that tags don’t work with news either, as well as events. But only when the tags are displayed the right hand side panel. They do work, however, when they’re appearing above the news item (as an example) once the news category has been chosen.

      So, a bit more digging…

      The non-working tags on the right have (as an example) a hyperlink to something like:


      But when you change it to http://www.solgrid.org.uk/office365/tag/office/?paged=1&post_type=news

      it works perfectly. We worked this out by looking at the working tags on the left. So, we still can’t get it to work but this might help.

      We’ve also tested for the issue on other Govintranet installations we have and they display the issue as well – even those that aren’t WordPress networks. And we’ve tried resetting permalinks a couple of times…

    • #2143
      Avatar photoDavid Butt

      It’s sorted in

      We’ve installed it on test sites and the issue is sorted and tags work fine. For information, we’ve also tested it on a multi-site install and it solves it on that as well. see http://www.solgrid.org.uk.

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Avatar photoDavid Butt.
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