Staff page not working

Home Forums GovIntranetters Staff page not working

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    • #1073

      For some reason, my Staff page (the one with the Organisation tree) doesn’t work like in here:

      It actually looks like the URL to the attachment.

      Help, please?

      • This topic was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by rally. Reason: mispelling
    • #1075

      Never mind. I found the bug.

      I added a forum called “Noticeboard” as general forum. Any name will do.

      Then I subscribed to the forum to have at least one member.

      Then I unchecked a setting at the Forum – Settings

      Forum Prefix: [ ] Prefix all forum content with the Forum Root slug (Recommended)

      That seems to fix the problem.

    • #1077
      Luke Oatham

      Thanks for letting us know. The bbPress settings are a bit temperamental and I’ve had to play around to make things work correctly on different intranets. Glad you got it sorted 🙂

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