HT Top Tags\Hot Topics

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    • #1908

      The HT Top Tags\Hot Topic links derived from Google Analytics on our system after the most recent update are all HTTPS, was this intended or is it confined to our configuration.

      As we use the Theme internal only with HTTP and don’t have a self cert on the web server users are getting the security warnings when clicking through from Hot Topics.

      Anyone else noticed Hop Topic tags are now HTTPS?

    • #1909

      I believe this issue is a problem of our own making internally. Please disregard.

    • #1910

      As we thought we understood this issue it has returned today and I wondered if anyone could offer advice on what to check.

      HT Top Tag on refresh will sometimes work as intended but then at other refreshes the tag links with use the server IP address instead of the FQDN and the protocol will change from http to https.

      The pattern as I see it is


      HT Most active has no such issues.

    • #1922
      Luke Oatham

      I wonder if this has something to do with the site address in your Google Analytics account?

    • #1925

      Hi Luke,

      I wondered if you could help a little. We do have an alert in GA, namely “bad default URL”, our URL is which is not accessible from the internet only internal. Our GA data is all complete and the widget after a manual refresh pulls the correct data to the intranet but once the cache time is expired is when the issue starts happening.

      Is GA stating bad default URL because GA cant directly access our intranet and could this be the cause of the issue? The weird part is before the changes to hot topics with authentication it worked flawlessly and also Most Active works fine now and never shows these issue this is also connecting to GA, why would the issue not affect both widgets using ga?

      Any advice would be great.

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