Eventbrite event embed – iframe sizing…

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    • #3010
      Tom Dixon

      Hi – love the Eventbrite embed option for events. However, it is introducing a vertical scroll bar – both for initial display and when registration is underway. See screenshot. Any way of increasing the iframe size to avoid scroll bar… pedantic I know!

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    • #3017

      Hi Tom

      This can be edited in the single-event.php template file of Govintranet although I would advise creating a child theme first.

      <iframe src=”https://www.eventbrite.com/tickets-external?eid=&lt;?php echo $ticketid; ?>” frameborder=”0″ height=”256″ width=”100%” vspace=”0″ hspace=”0″ marginheight=”5″ marginwidth=”5″ scrolling=”auto” allowtransparency=”true”></iframe>

      That’s the line of code to look out for and then simply change the value for height

      Kind Regards


      • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by Matty.
    • #3022
      Tom Dixon

      Thanks Matty – we’ll have a look at that – appreciated!

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