Reply To: Search not including tags

Home Forums GovIntranetters Search not including tags Reply To: Search not including tags

Neil Lawrence

OK, we’ll do some testing on this to see if that’s our experience too

Struggling with another search issue: we have a Task (Attendance Management) that uses the term ‘return to work’ a number of times, and a Task about risk hazard assessment which uses the term “work” 49 times. A user searching for ‘return to work’ gets the Risk Hazard assessment task as the first choice every time, which is wrong.

I’ve tried adding “return to work” in the keywords – no change

We’ve checked the Risk Hazard task and the word ‘return’ isn’t present

I’ve checked the Relevanssi Search tab and the default operator is “AND – require all terms”. In my book, this SHOULD mean that a search for ‘return to work’ HAS to include all three words. But this looks like it isn’t happening.

We think that the high volume of the term ‘work’ in the Risk Hazard task is outweighing the correct search parameters in the Attendance Management task. Does that sound a likely thing? Is there something else we should be looking at?