Reply To: How are people registering new users?

Home Forums GovIntranetters How are people registering new users? Reply To: How are people registering new users?

Luke Oatham

Have a look at

This is an example of some work I was doing to try to get the user edit screen into better shape. It can probably be done with a bit of jQuery to tidy up the form. It uses the form-user-edit.php template from bbPress and somehow the extra user information from Pods automatically shows up too. However, I never got it to work satisfactorily and although the templates still remains in the theme, we aren’t using them.

There are also bbPress shortcodes that you can insert into a page to show the login/register/lost password forms.



I also looked at the GravityForms plugin – but I think I ran into problems trying to match up user fields to Pods items that could contain more than one entry.

Hope that gives you some pointers.

