Profile Nudge Issues

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    • #1913

      Looking for some help on another problem I’m having. I love the idea of incorporating a nudge for folks to complete their profiles. However, whenever I enter something into the field and click “Update Now,” the page refreshes (assuming it’s posting data from a form) but doesn’t update the profile (and asks me to update the same field in my profile again)…

      Any thoughts on this or anyone encountering a similar problem?

    • #1916
      Luke Oatham

      Hello! Some updates for this are coming in v4.2.2.1

    • #1917

      I get a security warning when trying to update details using the profile nudge. I’m hosting on a window server any ideas?

    • #1919
      Luke Oatham

      Will, are you seeing “Security check – can’t check your identity.” ?

      Do you have any caching turned on? I wonder if the form HTML is not being refreshed. If you look at the source code of the page you’ll find hidden entries like:

      <input type="hidden" name="_wpnonce" value="676d3c6c33" />
      <input type="hidden" name="userid" value="2" />
      <input type="hidden" name="type" value="add-bio" />

      Maybe try noting the value of the _wpnonce entry and then compare on either a different browser or again in half an hour. The value should be different.

    • #1920

      Hey Luke,

      No I get ‘Security check – there is something wrong’ error

      It only seems to happen on a windows based web server.

    • #1921
      Luke Oatham

      Okay, try the new plugin in v4.2.2.3

    • #1923

      Just came to post that the updated plugin is working perfectly for me! Thanks Luke.

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