Staff search NOT WORKING

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    • #1541
      Luke Oatham

      How do you activate searching in staffsearch page? The search yields no result when I enter a name, which is in the database.

      Search results for: boris

      Not on the directory
      Try searching again or go back to the staff directory

      I also have a problem, that when you click on a person in the A-Z staff directory, it goes to a blank page. The slug page which should generate automatically for each person is empty or non-existant. Is that why the search is off?

      That’s an error

      The page that you are trying to reach doesn’t exist.

      Please go back or try searching.

      • This topic was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by Luke Oatham.
    • #1549
      Luke Oatham

      Just checking you’ve got the Relevanssi Premium plugin (which supports user searches and autocomplete in the main search box), the bbPress plugin installed, and you’ve followed ?

    • #1552
      Luke Oatham

      I don’t have the premium version. Otherwise I have followed your instructions.

    • #1555
      Luke Oatham

      You need the Relevanssi Premium plugin to index user accounts and have them searchable from the main search box. However, you should still be able to search from the staff directory page, although it’s not nearly as powerful as Relevanssi.

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