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    • #714
      Luke Oatham

      Hello! Thanks for visiting.

      If you use the GovIntranet theme we’d love to hear from you whether you have problems or praise or ideas.

      You can register for an account to post in the forum. This is a public forum.


    • #945

      I also noted the error below on the “Tasks by category” page:
      Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/content/59/6311359/html/dashboard/wp-content/themes/govintranetpress/page.php on line 45

      Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/content/59/6311359/html/dashboard/wp-content/themes/govintranetpress/page.php on line 48
      Perhaps there is a problem in the php?

    • #938


      I love all the work you’ve done! Thank you. I built a static intranet in html using the Gov.UK’s code, and I have hundreds of static pages. Our company has 20 employees and I want the intranet become more useful. Your tool will help me focus on what needs to get done – articles being written online.

      Your setup instructions were fairly understandable. However, I have some issues with the site.
      (1) I couldn’t create custom permalinks as instructed with “about/projects” and “about/vacancies” because wordpress won’t let me. It removes the slash. What do I need to change?
      (2) My categories are not working properly. The link does not work. My category links to “” – but that goes nowhere. If I do a blank search, it returns entries in archives. I can click on a task and go to my recommend a lawyer page, which is evidently in a category, but that category page won’t load.

      Take a look –


      • This reply was modified 11 years, 3 months ago by Peter.
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