Documents – types and categories

Home Forums GovIntranetters Documents – types and categories


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    • #2011
      Avatar photoDavid Butt

      Sorry to ask such a newbie question…

      We’ve done several installs to test and explore what Govintranet does. We’ve even got a multi-site install running and can clone a sub-site that works nicely.

      It’s really ace. But –

      I can’t work out how to assign a category to a document. I only get to choose document ‘type’ but the how-do-I shows type and category. And the Govintranet short codes are demonstrated as having both as well – and I can make a short code display a document by removing the ‘cat=””‘ bit and leaving just ‘type=2test”. I’ve tried through the media library and attaching a document from ‘attach’ on a page.

      When I get the categories tag to appear (by setting up a task and giving it a category) it behaves OK and the linked task is found fine.

      I have several categories set up and I can assign a one of these categories to a task quite happily. I’ve also tried Chrome, Chromium, Firefox and a couple of flavours of IE.

      Oh – and I’ve upgraded to the latest version from the older version we were using. In case that solved it – it didn’t, unfortunately.

      I’m certain I’m missing something embarrassingly obvious…

      • This topic was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by Avatar photoDavid Butt. Reason: Added the comment about upgrading
    • #2014
      Avatar photoDavid Butt

      Ooops. Read the manual, eh.

      To help others – in case anyone else makes the same mistakes… (they are in the forums but back a bit).

      Firstly, I needed to install another module – I used and then the categories appeared.

      The I needed to give my documents page documents-finder as a slug.

      Now it all works.

    • #2018
      Luke Oatham

      Hi David,

      Glad you got the document finder working.

      I’d love to know more about your multi-site setup. I’ve not had the chance to try this myself yet.

      Are you able to share more?


    • #2023
      Avatar photoDavid Butt
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