A to Z

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    • #1330

      I’m having a problem with a to z. I have assigned letters to individual pages, but the ‘alphabet’ list on the a-to-z page does not let me click on any letter – as if none have been assigned to letters. Am I missing something simple here?

    • #1428
      Luke Oatham

      Hi Dean (or Luke) – Were you able to get this fixed up? I too have the same problem, where I have created all the terms for A to Z and assigned Tasks and Pages to the relevant letter, but on the A to Z page it says 0 terms and I am unable to click any of the letters. I am using the latest version of theme from Github, WP 4.1 and latest version of Pods. What am I missing? Thanks in advance for your help and advice!

    • #1429
      Luke Oatham

      Looks like I have found the issue… In my Menu, I was linking to the A to Z page directly Ie. url.com/atoz/ (which shows grayed out letters) but if I link to url.com/atoz/a/ then the A to Z index works perfectly – So you need to link directly to a term in the A to Z and it works like the demo. Cheers

    • #1430
      Luke Oatham

      Glad you sorted this one guys. There’s also a new A to Z widget available which will display direct links to the A to Z pages.

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