Update language and translation files Task

Installation and updates

The GovIntranet theme is ready for translation and several language files are already available.

Theme translation files from github are stored in the /languages/themes/ folder. Each translation has a .po and .mo file. Please note that this is not the /govintranet/languages/ folder containing a .pot file.

Copy the required .po and .mo language files to the /wp-content/languages/themes/ folder.

Automated theme updates do not contain language updates, which you’ll need to update manually.

Translate English to English

You can use a translation editor such as Poedit to change text and phrases within the GovIntranet theme and plugins. For example, you can change words like ‘task’, ‘team’ and ‘grade’ to ‘help’, ‘department’ and ‘pay band’. Generate new .po and .mo files for the theme using the govintranet.pot file from /govintranet/languages/ as a base, or from existing translation files.