Search content of PDF

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    • #3048
      Michael Link

      Looking for a way for the search within WordPress to be able to return results that include content within a PDF. Does anybody know of a way to accomplish this?

    • #3049
      Michael Link

      FYI – Found SearchWP as a paid plugin that does this. Installed it and tinkering with it now. Any thoughts on it co-existing with Relevanssi?

    • #3050
      Michael Link

      OK – so SearchWP indexed the PDFs quite nicely…however the indexed results are not showing up in the search (and I believe that’s because the search baked into the theme is displaying “Relevanssi” content only.

      My question now is – how baked in/necessary is Relevanssi to the theme running/behaving correctly?


      – Michael

    • #3051

      Hi Michael

      How is WP Search working out for you?

      Relevanssi isn’t hard wired into the theme but is integral for the indexing and search through the staff directory and profiles.

      There is also the option to index ‘attachments’ in Relevanssi, which will index everything in your media folder as well

      Kind Regards


    • #3059
      Michael Link

      Honestly, so far so good. We have Relevanssi installed, but not “active”. I haven’t tried completely uninstalling it yet.

      Two key factors with WP Search – it indexing automatically and it digs into the PDFs (that it can) and puts the text in a database field it creates and makes it indexed.

      I did have to do two custom child-theme code snippets to make the “loop” work with excerpts, but otherwise…it was pretty easy. So far though I haven’t done anything with forums or user searches.

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