White admin bar on custom post pages

Home Forums GovIntranetters White admin bar on custom post pages

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    • #1411

      Hi All,

      Have found that since wordpress 4.1 has been installed that we are getting a white space where the admin bar should be. Things are fine on standard post and page pages. Have tried disabling as many plugins as possible(all except HT and pods) and the problem persists. Is this an issue with the new wordpress version if so has anyone had the same problem/found a solution or is it something stupid that ive done myself?

    • #1413
      Luke Oatham

      Hello! There are some new updates on github which may help. I’ve updated the GovIntranet demo site to WP4.1 using all the latest templates and plugins on github and all is okay. If updating doesn’t work, can you do a “view source” and let me know how far the HTML gets to?

    • #1539
      Luke Oatham

      I’ve been having a lot of strange behaviour with upper WP bar at the start. Sometimes there would only be an empty white line. Then at some point all went well. I haven’t been able to pinpoint the problem.

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